
Forums » Segbot » LPY503AL Gyroscope


We can discuss coding for the LPY503AL gyroscope here. As of 3/7/2013, sparkfun has 71 of these... maybe we should get some code working for this sensor:


Well, I have the LPR530AL and the LPY530AH gyroscopes which are both 300 degrees per second. The LPY503AL is a 30 degree per second sensor, but there is no good reason why that should really matter since we are recording the number of degrees changed in a given time. Unless the mapping of millivolts per degree is different, in which case it will require some tweaking.

If anyone wants to start hacking.. here is some code to get you started (for the 300 degree/sec version):


I will be glad to help anyone with this code until I can grab one myself to test with.


After looking at the datasheet of the IDG500 that was used in the V3 code, the 4.5x output that was used had a range of 110 degrees/second with a voltage sensitivity of 9.1mV / degree / second.

The LPY503AL has a maximum range of 30 degrees/second through the 4.5x output, but the 1x range is 120 degrees/second with a voltage sensitivity of 8.3mV / degree /second.

Those two are pretty close together, has anyone tried the LPY503AL with the 1x output using the V3 autocalibrating code? It is feasible that it could just work.



Hi John

is there any updates for the gyro.

is there any working gyro available that work with your code. i think i will order LPY503AL and try it.

what do you say 



I have ordered one too so it should not be too much different... I will let you know soon.


That is awesome he writes a book a couple years ago, I think that when it was i'm  new a just purchased the e-book myself. It is really cool he still gives support, talk about customer service


Hello John,

I have been waiting for a fix on the imu issue for a while please....please...please post a working code for instock imu.

I have everything I need to make my segbot (- the imu)

Thank you in advance.


Hello John,

I`m also wating for the code. My LPY503AL gyro needs about 20 seconds, before he stands still and reaches the same level as the ADXL335 (which works perfect), when i had moved them.

Can you tell me the mistake?

Thank you in advance.